International Jury Members
Architect and Chilean National Architecture Award.
Teodoro Fernández
Architect, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) (1972). Postdegree in Landscape Architecture, PUC (1992). Associate Professor, PUC (1989-today).
He has practiced the profession as an independent architect since 1984 until 1997 designing prived and public architecture in association with various chilean architects, such as Smijan Radic, Cecilia Puga, Montserrat Palmer, Rodrigo Pérez de Arce, among others. Since then, Teodoro worked as leader and founder of “Teodoro Fernández Architecture” office, devolping architecture and landscape projects.
Awards: Gran Medalla Asociación de Oficinas de Arquitectura, Chile (2013). National Award of Architecture, Chile (2014). Honorary Fellow, American Institute of Architects, USA (2016). Among other Chilean awards.
Architect, MBA, Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Architecture of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine and the Head of the Foundation of the Chamber of Architecture of Ukraine.
Anna Kyrii
Graduated from the architectural faculty of the Kyiv National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, specialty - architect-artist. Graduated with honors, 2003.
Anna is the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Architecture of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine and the Head of the Foundation of the Chamber of Architecture of Ukraine
Since 2008 – Management of own design bureau "Anna Kyrii Architectural and projecting group" LLC.
Multiannual Financial Framework 2016.
Architect. Founder of ArchObraz, Dnipro. Ukraine.
Oleksiy Obraztsov
Oleksii Obraztsov was born in 1975.
1998 - Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the PSACEA.
2002 - Founded the architectural bureau ArchObraz.
2018-2021 - Head of the regional department of the Architectural Council of the Dnipro Regional Organization of the NSAU.
2021 - Founder of the public organization "Association of graduates and friends of the PSACEA".
2023 - Member of the NSAU Competition Commission.
2018 - Participant of the TIME SPACE EXISTENCE exhibition at the Venice Biennale
Winner and laureate of architectural competitions.

PhD in Economics and Urban Architect.
Katarzyna Sadowy
Katarzyna Sadowy, architect and economist, professor in Warsaw School of Economics
combines academic career with practice in the field of interdisciplinary urban studies.
She focuses on relations between cultural heritage, sustainable economy and built urban
environment. She was involved in following municipal programmes in Warsaw: revitalization of Praga Północ heritage district; Local Centers Programme (15 minutes city), work of the Advising Board for Innovative Policies for the Mayor of City of Warsaw, and City Architectural and Urban Council.
Member of the jury and co-organizer of several
architectural competitions.
She was lead of the Polish partner (OW SARP) in the consortium of EU funded project Open Heritage led by Metropolitan Research Institute in Budapest ( Lately published: “Miasto policentryczne. Doświadczenie Warszawskich Centrów Lokalnych” (SGH 2020) and “Evolutionary Urban Development.
Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe” (Routledge 2023).
Prof. Dr Hab. Inż. Architect
Tomasz Ossowicz
Architect, urban planner, professor emeritus at the Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Technology (M.Sc. 1976, Ph.D. 1986, habilitation 2004, professor title 2021).
The author of 84 scientific publications, 114 papers at scientific conferences, 46 scientific and research works. In 2020-2022 Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Urban Processes. In 1999-2015 Director of the Municipal Wrocław Development Office (spatial and strategic planning) with the title of Principal Planner of Wrocław City (population 674 000). A specialist in the field of operational city planning (the art of efficient realization of visions, goals, plans, and ideas relevant to creating urban spaces) and simulations the spatial development of the city. Co-founder of the field of studies: spatial management. Chief designer of the Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development (general structure plan) of Wrocław in: 2006 and 2010, and co-author in 1998, 2001 and 2018.
Chief Designer, co-author or supervisor of many local plans in city Wrocław and city Zielona Góra (population 118 000). He participated in the preparation of all Wrocław Development Strategies and was responsible for the preparation of the Development Strategy for Zielona Góra (1997).
Since 2014, he has been coordinating works related to the "Stare Miasto" Cultural Park in Wrocław. Author and co-author of numerous studies of spatial development of cities and regions with the use of extensive computer simulations (including Wrocław, Poznań, Kraków, Łódź, Wałbrzych, Bydgoszcz, Legnica subregion, Nowosądeckie and Bialskopodlaskie voivodships).
Architect and Member of the Union of Architects of Ukraine.
Olha Kleytman
Born in 1969, Olha Kleytman currently lives and works in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
She is a holder of two degrees from Karazin Kharkiv National University and Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv.
She is a member of the ‘Union of Architects of Ukraine’ and has been working on a number of key projects all over the country.
In 2002 Olha founded an architectural bureau “SBM studio” that deals with architecture and urban design. SBM became a prize winner at a number of local and international competitions.
Shortly after the beginning of the russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Olha co-founded ‘Through the War’ – an NGO, providing humanitarian aid to the elderly, as well as supporting the defenders of Kharkiv. She remains the head of the organization and its active member till this day.
She is a member of the international group led by Norman Foster. The group is focused on the development of the concept of the general plan of the city of Kharkiv.
Chief of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Irpin City Council.
Mikhailo Sapon
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Irpin City Council, a vision architect for the “Irpin Reconstruction Summit”.
On behalf of the Irpin mayor's office and as a representative of its citizens, its main architect Mikhailo Sapon will be on the jury for this competition, leading the difficult and tough task of rebuilding the city of Irpin.
Phd Architect UC and Doctor of Design, Harvard University
Luis Valenzuela
Professor of the Design Lab and the Business School of the Adolfo Ibáñez University in undergraduate, postgraduate and open courses.
With publications in applied scientific research in public policy, articles, magazines and books. Founder of the Territorial Intelligence Center of the Adolfo Ibáñez University and member of the board of the Center for the Study of Conflict and Social Cohesion.
He was a professor at the Catholic University in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Schools of Architecture and Engineering and Director of the UC Cities Observatory.
Head of the studparliament of the State Tax University
Oleksandra Rostislavivna Ilnitska
Under her leadership as head of the Student Parliament of the State Tax University , the Student Parliament became an active center of initiatives and development, where students had the opportunity to express their ideas and work together on projects aimed at improving students' life.
Member of the Academic Council and the Rectorate of the State Tax University.
Since 2022, she has worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Educational Laboratory on Legal Support of State Financial Policy.
Since 2023, she has been a leading specialist in the Educational Laboratory of International Financial Projects and Entrepreneurship Development of the State Tax University.
Delegate to the Integrity Office of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP).
She is a vice president for regional development "Ukrainian Students' Association", a delegate to the All-Ukrainian youth public organization FRI (Kyiv), a delegate to the Center for Political and Legal Reforms and the All-Ukrainian "Active Community" from the "Republika" Institute.